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A look at the age old Tibetan Book of the Dead and its meanings and teachings, as well as its more modern psychedelic reinterpretation (or some might say, bastardization.)
Duration : 0:44:2
Technorati Tags: acid, afterlife, bangladesh, bhutan, book, Buddhism, cambodia, channel, China, complete, dead, death, decoding, documentary, doomsday, download, eastern, episode, experiences, film, full, goddesses, gods, History, India, laos, leary, length, long, LSD, mantras, mongolia, monks, near, nepal, of, past, pdf, psilocybin, psychedelic, rebirth, revival, satanism, setianism, shamanism, shrooms, spirituality, tantric, thailand, The, tibet, tibetan, timothy, version, vietnam, vivification